Tinge Turns Three
I don't fully understand how I got here. I look back over the last three years and its mostly a blur of flower messes, emotional triumphs, flower friends, and an iPhoto library that has lived to tell the tale. I got lucky. Damn lucky actually. This is not to say, that I believe talent has nothing to do with it. Of course it does, but I feel lucky anyway. This year in particular I've had some moments where I've had to stand back, take a moment and really be grateful that I'm here. Wherever here is physically, but also just being here as a florist doing what I love and making it happen as a career. Working with flowers is an emotional process for me. There is so much careful detail I put into every arrangement, every wedding, every client. I put so much energy and consideration into the ingredients and the way the colors play off one another in their subtleties. When I'm putting those ingredients together, in that moment, I shut my brain off from everything. Everything other than problem solving this thing that's in front of me, and when it's finished I'm elated. This instant ability to create beauty with little living things has given me so much joy. There is a lot of satisfaction in a job that requires so much work, so much manual labor that when you're finished you get this visual of something beautiful so your eyes are satisfied with the beauty. Your body works hard lifting, standing, running, climbing, installing, that in the end your body is also tired, but also satisfied with a hard day's work. My mind is satisfied because so much of this process is created in my mind for months until those final hours when it comes together, my mind and my reality can finally agree with one another.
Above all that, I've learned that working alongside other florists is my favorite part about the job. Getting to stand next to another florist and create and help each other has really been a blessing for me. It's pushed me, and given me some life long friendships that I'll cherish for a very long time.
Just this last couple weeks I've been in Seattle. Once to help my friends Steve and Jamie of Sinclair and Moore with their grandest production yet. It was absolutely breathtaking and magical in every way a wedding could be. It's so beautiful to be on the other side and see another creative's dream come into reality. To see all their work and dreaming come to fruition. To get to share that moment with another florist is a really beautiful thing. Just to know you've been a small part in helping their vision come to life is so gratifying. I love these people, and so many of the people I've met through them.
In September I had the opportunity to drive up to Jackson Hole for the very first Alere Retreat. The concept of this entire retreat was absolutely what a retreat should be (more on this later). I invited my friend Holly Carslile of Rose Golden Flowers to come collaborate with me on the flowers for the week. She's such a talented artist, I invited her for that, but she also can make me laugh like no other so I thought the entertainment would be fun too. We arranged open air and were inspired so greatly by the landscape and each other's work that both of us came away from that week feeling like better florists. We are still talking about how groundbreaking that week was for the both of us.
Early in September we went to Ireland! My husband Curtis got to come along and we invited my sister in law Carlee as well. Curtis drove a large manual van, on the opposite side of the road, for many random errands, flower pickups, garbage dumps, and while we had some stressful moments, he was amazing, helpful and so encouraging the entire week. He's such a bigger part of this business than he ever gets credit for. I love you Curt. Thanks for always being so willing to help me amongst all of the things that you already work so hard to do for us.
I also got to work with Rebekah from Forage and Fleur, she was such a fun travel and flower buddy. Ann Marie O'Leary drove four hours from Dingle, Ireland and joined the flower party. We literally arranged in the pouring rain, drenched through layers and layers of clothing with smiles on our faces. Both of these women are talented and were so gracious with their time. We got to work together to create a beautiful wedding, and it's an experience I'm so glad I pushed myself to do. I couldn't have imagined that week any other way.
To Brenna, my friend and go to flower friend. She's been there with me through the growing pains. She's helped me work through things, and she's seen me at my worst and at my best and loved me despite it all. We've become best friends through this flower craziness and I'm so excited to see her business boom. She's an artist. I mean this girl has art pumping through her veins. She's so wonderfully creative.
To all the other local friends who are always so eager and willing to help. THANK YOU. I love wedding install days the most because of you.
Just a few weeks ago, Allison of La Fete floral knew I was kind of having a rough weekend. Amongst her own rough month, she knew I needed some foliage for my arrangements that didn't come in my order. She drove to her mom's house, clipped some, and it showed up on my porch. This is true flower love. Pictured above is from a recent wedding with the help of Allison of La Fete, Eleanor Mika, Kaylee Young of Flourish, and Melissa Haupt of Mel Haupt Floral.
I don't have a photo of Madalyn Covey, but I couldn't finish this post without mentioning her. She's young and easily the hardest worker I've ever seen. She LOVES flowers. It's so clear to me every single time she gets ready to start building a centerpiece. She takes such care into each decision. She's wonderful, and I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to work with her, I hope we have many more!
While the beauty, and the creating are wonderful, I truly believe it's the people that surround me that are what make this flower world the best world there is. So many others I haven't mentioned in this post, but I love just the same. This post could be miles long. Thank you to the people that I've met this year, and in the last three years that have helped Tinge get here. I've made life long friendships through flowers and for that I am eternally grateful.